game 2 nguươ i chơi

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[Post Game Thread] The Sacramento Kings hang on to their playoff hopes as they eliminate the Golden State Warriors by 118 - 94【赛后贴】国王附加赛118-94淘汰勇士,仍然保留冲击季后赛的希望双方球员数据:国王:基根-穆雷32分9板,萨博尼斯16分12板7助🐷,福克斯24分4板6助🐒,埃利斯15分4板5助3断3帽🐗,巴恩斯17分4板3助🐿🦮🦔,莱尔斯7分5板🦁🐭,米切尔5分6板3助勇士:库里22分4板2助🐘🐢,维金斯12分3板2助🐅🦒,追梦12分3板6助🦡,克莱0分4板1助🐈,库明加16分7板,穆迪16分3板🐘,波杰姆斯基5分8板🐇,保罗3分2助🦛,卢尼2分5板[–]NBAiRockaflame [score hidden] 21 minutes agoKlays new contract offer just dropped a few million from just this game lmfao.球迷:这场比赛过后🦍🐯🐖,克莱的新合同价值直降几百万🐂🐒🐑。[–][LAL] Anthony DavisLogicalLakersFan [score hidden] 21 minutes agoa few?? he will be lucky to get anything above 12 million if we are honest湖人球迷:才降几百万?实事求是🐴,如果他能够拿到一份超过1200万的合同🦨,那都是算他走运!(相关阅读>>>Shams:勇士休赛期曾向克莱提供2年4800万的提前续约报价)[–]OverusedRedditJoke [score hidden] 24 minutes agoKlay: 0 points in 31 minutesMoody: 16 points in 13 minutesWtf are we doing球迷:克莱-31分钟0分穆迪-13分钟16分这就是功勋篮球吗?[–]Kingsfundraiser [score hidden] 15 minutes ago0 points is not 0 points, Kerr will explain later国王球迷:你以为是0分,但你错了🐼🦔,想知道为什么🐢,赛后听科尔解释🐢🦮。[–]Incandescent-Her0 [score hidden] 16 minutes agoWith coaching like that, it’s no wonder they needed to stack Team USA球迷:就科尔这执教水平🐘,怪不得巴黎奥运会美国队要直接拉满呢🐷。[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhisuzukigun4life [score hidden] 25 minutes agoThe Warriors added CP3 and MISSED the Playoffs.What the actual fuck王治郅球迷:勇士在休赛期签下了保罗,结果没进季后赛。什么逆天操作🐕🦎。[–]HeatAdraf45 [score hidden] 25 minutes agoCP0 ring curse热火球迷:保罗无冠的诅咒仍在上演🐒🦄。[–]crazyFlyingChicken [score hidden] 10 minutes agoKlay and I had the same number of points tonight球迷:克莱今晚和我得分一样多![–]Warriorsgoomy996 [score hidden] 10 minutes agoKlay inspiring all of us to go pro, we’re just like him勇士球迷:克莱这是鼓励大家都去打职业🐁,我们上去也行啊🐸。[–]afw2323 [score hidden] 9 minutes agoThis is the way the dynasty endsNot with a bang but with a klank球迷:这就是王朝终结的方式🐻。不是空心入网,而是克莱打铁。[–]Kingshot_cereal_ [score hidden] 10 minutes agoYou're telling me that was the same mf who put up 37 against us IN ONE QUARTER?国王球迷:你跟我说这家伙跟那个打我们单节砍下37分的混蛋是同一个人?[–]LakersBarelyContainedChaos [score hidden] 8 minutes agoDude wants to go on vacay already.湖人球迷:他已经想好去哪钓鱼了🐆。[–]NBAChampagneAbuelo [score hidden] 14 minutes agoChris Paul finally figured out how to beat the Warriors in the playoffs.球迷:保罗终于找到了如何在季后赛击败勇士的方法🐷🐫。[–]HolidayMorning6399 [score hidden] 12 minutes agoif you can't beat em, join em?球迷:打不赢就加入呗,还能咋地?[–]RaptorsKingREX_24 [score hidden] 15 minutes agoKlay just set a record for most phone calls received from China in a day.猛龙球迷:克莱创造了单日接到中国电话最多次数的纪录。[–]LakersPalifaith [score hidden] 16 minutes ago*At least the trio of Steph, Klay and Draymond will end with 420 wins if they decide to split up.湖人球迷:如果库追汤决定分开的话🐨🦛,至少他们一共取得了420场胜利🦙。[–]WarriorsBarrelled_Chef_Curry [score hidden] 14 minutes agoDamn that’s actually cool. Wonder what they’ll offer Klay.勇士球迷:那可就太棒了🐊🦥🐷,不知道其他球队会用什么换克莱呢?[–]world_of_kings [score hidden] 17 minutes agor/nba Christmas came early baby!!球迷:小伙伴们🐄,今年圣诞节来得有点早啊![–]AkaiShu24 [score hidden] 17 minutes agoIm looking for a washing machine. Is Klay Thompson a good brand?球迷:我最近打算买一个洗衣机,请问“克莱-汤普森”这个品牌好吗?[–]KnicksTheDangiestSlad [score hidden] 24 minutes agowell yeah it's 2024 not 2014尼克斯球迷:太棒了🦙🐿,还好今年是2024年🐨🐱‍🚀,不是2014年🦒。[–]Toronto HuskiesZbz [score hidden] 28 minutes ago"I'm told that the Warriors offered a deal, two years in the range of $48 million in an extension to Klay Thompson before the season, and now there's no deal."Should've taken the money Klay猛龙球迷:Shams:“我被告知赛季开始前🐅🐲,勇士向克莱提供了一份两年约4800万的续约合同🐁,现在没有合同了。”克莱当初就应该收下这份大礼的🐕‍🦺。来源:Reddit编译:Fontaine🐷🐪
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